In today’s blogpost, I would like to give an overview regarding the group symptoms of Lac/Milk group of remedies in homoeopathy. 

                The Lac/milk family is easily an underrated group of drugs in homoeopathy. But since their advent in the modern homoeopathy, they are getting increasingly popular, mostly pertaining to the closeness with our own mammal family to which our species belong.
            The entire Lac kingdom is derived from the mammals, which give birth to their children and breast feed them. Which, as stated above, also represents humans.
            The Lac group, like other medicines, beautify the spirit of a homoeopathic prescription by exhibiting a striking closeness between an innate feelings of various mammals, i.e the source of the drug used to cure the patient and the thinking pattern and feelings of the patient himself.

  1. Lac Caninum: Dog's milk.
  2. Lac Felinum: Cat's milk.
  3. Lac Defloratum: Cow's milk.
  4. Lac Leolinum: lioness's milk.
  5. Lac Equinum: Horse's milk.
  6. Lac Asinum: Donkey's milk.
  7. Lac Humanum: Human milk.
  8. Lac Caprinum: Goats milk.
  9. Lac Lupinum: Wolf's milk.
  10. Lac Delphinium: Dolphin's milk.
  11. Lac Suis: Pig's milk.
Group symptoms:
 The major and the deepest experience in Lac group of medicines, is as below. To know how they relate to the source as well as interlinkage in their feelings, kindly continue reading.
1)     Lack of nourishment.
2)     Domestication and inability to exhibit their own views.
3)     Need of remaining in a group.
4)     Desire to have their own space.
5)     Abuse by their masters.
6)      Sense of injustice.

A)   Lack/Denial of Nourishment/ basic rights:

Milk, in general is a source of nourishment, however it also represents the basic feature of mammals, who feed their young ones for their growth, development and nourishment. This is the basic right of every mammal. May it be a calf of a cow or a human baby. This milk provides them security growth and strength to fight future ailments. If not obtained properly, the offspring will remain undernourished and will be prone to diseases.

The same feeling of denial of their basic right i.e good nutrition is strongly present in Lac patients and thereafter trouble begins in Lac patients. To make it easy I would give an e.g. A woman of the house of a big joint family is remaining undernourished as she is not able to get proper food as other people in the house are eating away all her food and finally she remains starved of her food which is her basic right. This can be voluntary or out of compulsion by their authorities.

B)      Being domesticated:

 Most of the mammals are domesticated by mankind since ages. These domesticated animals as a rule, have to always follow and obey their masters command, without exhibiting their own choices and decision. If they try and retaliate, they are punished beaten and abused.

This same feeling of being domesticated is carried in a Lac individual. They have to do everything forcefully whether they like it or not. Its never a mutual decision. Whatever their master decide they have to carry out the task, without showing any decision/ opinion. And if they try to do so they will be punished beaten an abused. Just like a cow or any other cattle, who are never intended to do what they like. They have to give milk according to their master’s wish whenever the master wants ,even if they don’t want to, they have to graze at the place where they are taken and are not allowed to escape. If they try, they are beaten with sticks.

C)    The need/Desire to remain in a group:

 Mammals mostly prefer to roam in groups, so that they can defend an oncoming attack. As per them, travelling alone is filled with a risk of being attacked and outside world is dangerous for them, if alone.

Similarly, the patient sees the outside world as a threat and hence prefers to remain in a family or a group even if it is being abused or torchered, as the they feel vulnerable. Hence, they tolerate abuses but can’t dare to live alone.

D)  Continuous abuse leading to lack of confidence:

 As said above, they will tolerate abuses but won’t retaliate due to the fear of being thrown out of the family. This continued physical or mental abuse gradually creates a lack of confidence and embarrassment. E.g dominating parents, beating up a young child on exhibiting his own decision of doing something different than instructed by their parents, though the child does not wish to do it. When battered in presence of his friends/ colleagues, he develops a strong sense of nervousness, embarrassment and guilt, but is not able to retaliate.

E)    Embarrassment and Disgust for themselves:

As stated above they do feel very embarrassed and gradually they start feeling disgusted about their life, feel unloved, feel incomplete, feeling of being dirty. Thus, they start developing a sense of compulsive of forceful meticulousness and gradually enter into a state coming close to conditions like O.C.D/ Obsessive compulsive disorder.

F)    Desire for having their own time and space:

Due to all these abuses and problems, these individuals have an innate hidden feeling in themselves to have sometime for themselves, times when they can do everything as per their wish and likings. Thus, Lac remedies are mostly ‘Ameiliorated by meditation’. As meditation is a time when one can focus on themselves and can live with themselves for a while and that which gives them peace.

G)  Sense of injustice and desire to fight back:

 This feeling of fightback against all abuses comes out after sometimes. Which is the polarity of their entire character as in many other medicines. Hence, this strong sense of injustice also prevails in Lac patients.

This sums up most of the characteristic group features of the Lac/Milk/Mammalian medicines. Hope you understood well. Thanks.


  1. Dāmodara Dhanañjaya Dāsa27 December 2018 at 02:41

    Perfect analogy. While reading, I could actually see some of the personalities around me, almost completely matching this Lac Constitution. Until now I knew of only two methods to cure such personalities, 1. Meditation and 2. Hypnosis (past life regression) to overcome the hidden fears. This is definitely a milestone discovery for such ailments.

    All the best.


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