In today’s
article I want to address a very common and frequent question which comes to
the mind of students as well as patients.
The most
basic answer is due to its innate principle of holism. i.e viewing and treating
the man as a whole entity and not the
disease alone. But still, the question remains the same.
Well, in today’s
world disease is viewed as a mere local phenomenon, which is caused due to some
dysfunction in the body, leading to a specific group of symptoms. Though this
seems true there is also something beyond and deeper than this superficial
This belief on
diseases is rather like a tip of the iceberg. We can see only the tip. However
the actual body of the iceberg is invisible though, present. And we have also
witnessed the tragedy that struck the mighty Titanic which was caused by
ignoring the root though the tip was visible. The same is also true with
diseases. The actual picture seen is the tip while the process remains hidden, but
is the biggest part of the iceberg.
Now I would
explain the reason why general features like appetite, thirst , dreams which
are commonly considered with its probable scientific explanation.
Since the
beginning of time, Man has been so far the only creation of nature that has
evolved at a greater extent and still continues to evolve. And this evolution
was necessary or else, he would perish, as per the theory of Darwinism.Eg he
acquired an erect posture,frontal lobe of the brain leading to higher
intellect.etc, in order to survive crisis.
Similarly, diseases
are also ever evolving in order to survive their species by various ways, which
is quite evident in today’s scenario. They undergo mutation, drug resistance
But behind
this evolution whether of disease or man there was a basic driving force which
was ‘INSTINCT’ which indeed was needed for survival by signalling danger to the
living beings and responding to them(fight or flight) and thereby protecting
them. Thus, in other words, these instincts were helpful in adaptation of a
living organism.
were the most primitive and basic feature of the human brain. As man evolved,
complexities in situations arose and gradually overcoming these situations, he
started developing a new brain(neo cerebrum/cerebral cortex)in order to carry
out complex features, with still the same driving force i.e INSTINCTS.
So the
question is how the body signals change in relation to the stimulus it
To be
precise I will put up a cycle of the brain processes working as per instincts
Stimulus/information --à Relay centres -àlimbic system -à(mediated by neurotransmitters)cortex
The limbic system is considered as
one of the most primitive part of the human brain. It consists of various parts
like hypothalamus, thalamus amygdala and hippocampus
Not only does it function as a store
house of emotions linked to basic instincts but it also seems to harbour the body’s basic responses like appetite, thirst, memory
Whatever information it receives is
processed and evaluated on basis of punishment or reward pathway. These datas
are sent to the cortex which governs the action by either expressing it on
physical or mental plane, thereby expressing the information, received from the
system. These changes are further modulated
by neurotransmitters.
The speciality of the cortex is
governance of the information as per the surrounding which is lacking in limbic
system.This is the reason why an individual can train his behaviour logically
and manipulate it as per situation, but, since limbic system lacks this,
instincts cannot be controlled. As it happens with dreams.thats the reason dreams
can’t be controlled voluntarily.
As said earlier, limbic system is the
storehouse and epicentre of various emotions like anger, fear etc(as a part of
adaptive mechanism to threat) and also, basic sensations like thirst, sexual
instinct and also related phenomena like dreams are harboured here.
This being the deepest information of
every living individual, its manifestations remain in its purest form - untouched
and uncompensated. They help us to understand the deepest feeling of the
respective area and their response to the stimulations. Not only this, but it
also helps to know the general body response, which occurs naturally and
instinctively, thereby, letting us know the basic inclination of each
individual. And finally a homoeopathic physician analyses this data to see the
area affected beyond the present situation and selecting the medicine capable
of producing the same effects and thereby curing them at the deepest level. And
thus not only eliminating the disease from the root, but also giving them a
long term to permanent solution and preventing a relapsing situation. And this is not just
limited to disease but a human in general i.e mind and body are restored back.
Brief but extremely informative. Saves lots of time and effort of research. Truly encapsulated essence, a 10M dose. Eager for more.
ReplyDeleteDaamodara Dhananjaya Das, ISKCON Ahmedabad
Thanks for your has encouraged him to write more for homoeopathic treatment and its benefit